Apr 20Liked by Yassmin Abdel-Magied

I actually came across the link to the SKY documentary about Sudan from the This Week in Africa Substack (do you follow? I love how much ground they cover for the entire continent in just a weekly post). Have opened it in a tab to watch this weekend. Hoping for more intense focus on Sudan soon, especially given that it is now the biggest humanitarian disaster currently in the world :(

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Apr 27Liked by Yassmin Abdel-Magied

I wish you didn't feel the need to apologise. Our hearts break for Sudan, for your family, for you. The way you likened a phone call from family to a doctor walking towards you was particularly evocative. I can only imagine the turmoil and internal conflict you're experiencing every day. I'm so sorry a year later there is no end in sight.

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Apr 24Liked by Yassmin Abdel-Magied

Thank you for the anthology recommendation and for being brutally honest about your experience with Sudan’s plight. War is such a difficult thing to navigate politically and personally. Sometimes we forgo the latter in the name of the former. In the meantime, we find solace where we can. Thoroughly thought-provoking!

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Apr 22Liked by Yassmin Abdel-Magied

Do not apologise.

I was listening to an episode by Ayman titled 'Strength in Times of Crisis' in the podcast "politically depressed" available on Spotify.

These were his words below the title:

"Vulnerability is strength. Existence is resistance. Justice will prevail. What meaning do sayings like these hold in our world of collapse and crisis? With mass atrocities across our region, I wonder about how people hold on and struggle against despair."

I thought of you & other creators in europe & here while I listened, and think of Ayman while I read your words. 💖🙏

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Yassmin, you open my/our eyes and heart to indescribable sorrow. The inability of ‘us’ to engage with Sudan is a a grief of its own. I am thankful for your writing, and think often of your family.

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I think as much as you don’t need to put your suffering on the page, you also don’t need to apologize for sharing what’s on your heart. At least for me I try to appreciate the artist and what they bring forth, whatever it may be, whether I “like” or “need” it. May Allah bring justice and peace to Sudan. ❤️

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