Thank you for sharing this - realised I'd had the new arab link open for ages and not read it (finally going through my unread pages after deadline, why do I open so many pages....?). Your aunt sounds an incredible woman.

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She truly is, mashallah!!

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Thank you so much for sharing the real and true story of your aunt who perseveres in the midst of all the travails of war and displacement. Your voice is invaluable, acknowledging and informing. Her courage and dedication to sharing knowledge with her students is breathtaking. Thank you Yassmin.

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Thank you, Cecile. For reading and holding space <3. Yx

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This is such a beautiful way to capture the truth of what we don't see or understand, esp here in the west... I have friends in gza who I message with daily, they're my dear friends, and someday Im sure i could write a book about their experiences. the anthropologist-poet in me wants to try so bad and this is exactly what the world needs rn

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I had a similar conversation with Mahmoud Muna, who recently published Daybreak in Gaza. https://saqibooks.com/books/saqi/daybreak-in-gaza/ - I think the more stories we have like this, the better! Yx

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